Consider the type of chemical to be stored when selecting a cabinet
Research environments using several different types of chemicals present special storage requirements. Whether using acids, bases, or solvents, it is critical that incompatible liquids are segregated to avoid disastrous explosions or fire. Additionally, it is important to know chemical compatibility as it relates to the construction materials of the cabinet itself. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be reviewed to determine chemical characteristics and recommended storage practices.
We offer an extensive selection of cabinet types and sizes to meet the growing demands of lab professionals worldwide, including a full line of Centuratm cabinets specifically designed for laboratory use.
Corrosives can easily penetrate and destroy cabinet surfaces. To resist acids and alkaline corrosives we offer three varieties of storage: polyethylene cabinets, 18-gauge steel cabinets with corrosion resistant paint, and nonmetallic laminated cabinets.