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Workstation Specifications & Options
- Above & below components can be added or deleted as required
- Other components are available for additional storage requirements
- Adjustable to accommodate worker size and strength
- Sheet metal components are beefy 14-16 gauge steel strength
- 800 pounds capacity for heavy work
- 1.5" or 2" square tubular steel construction
- Quick, easy assembly
- Casters can be added for portability - a great way to maximize usage in a busy operation
These workstations fit directly over your conveyor line, giving workers a real edge by providing exactly what's needed--be it dunnage, a computer, a workstation flat surface, rolls of wrapping materials, boxes, tools, parts--exactly where it's needed. They help your operations organize product flow, maximize floor space, stimulate organization, boost productivity, raise worker morale, and improve facility aesthetics. They help you get orders out the door that much faster, and with fewer errors.

Experts: Cisco-Eagle specializes in conveyors and the equipment that conveyors
serve, including conveyor workstations. Visit our conveyors area for a full
selection of gravity, power belt, and power roller conveyor equipment. We can
help you specify precisely the right workstation and conveyor to meet your
needs. For more information about working with conveyors, see
"Ergonomic considerations for designing conveyor workstations".