SKU: 36SR-7-8-5L
Manufacturer: Hytrol
Each section of conveyor has butt couplings on both ends. These ends can be bolted together between conveyor sections to create long conveyor lines. Joined sections must have support installed beneath the couplings.
Example: If your 15 foot conveyor line is made up of a 10 foot section and a 5 foot section, the minimum number of your supports you would need is 3; one under each end, and one beneath the connection. This configuration however would give your 10 foot section a lower capacity than the 5 foot section unless you placed an intermediate support under the 10 foot.
Roller conveyor is available in 5 foot and 10 foot lengths for straight sections. The length of the conveyor along with the number of supports underneath greatly determine its load capacity. In most applications, supports should be placed in either 5 or 10 feet intervals depending on the weight of the product you are conveying. By installing a support every 5 feet, capacity of that section increases greatly; keep in mind though that no matter how close together you place supports, the roller axles themselves also have a capacity that should not be exceeded.
Rollers may be set high or low within the frame. See diagram below:
More on Gravity Conveyors (Product sizes, spacing, capacities, etc.)
Lead Time: 6 weeks + transit time
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