When moving pallet loads from production to cold storage, it's hard to keep the temperature zones of each area separated. Each time a vehicle or worker goes from one zone to another cold air leaks into the warmer zone and warm air floats into the cold. The only way to keep the air masses from mixing is to create an air block - which is exactly what strip doors do. They keep air from infiltrating by keeping the passageway as small as possible as the vehicle or worker goes through. Each vinyl strip clings to the ones next to it until forced apart by the entering object. As soon as the object has cleared the strip's coverage area, it quickly drops back into place to close off any opening between the air zones.
Welding curtains and screens provide safety from sparks igniting materials around the welding station and help protect onlookers' eyes from the bright glare of the welding torch. These screens are fire and spark resistant and will not melt when welding sparks and slag hit the vinyl. Choose from many colors in translucent screens with UV protection.
Acoustic curtains and screens help protect against hearing loss in the workplace. When noisy equipment is surrounded by these curtains or screens, the noise level is significantly reduced, helping to make the work area more tolerable.
High-speed doors that are light-weight offer another solution to separating temperature zones or process areas. Opening at a rate of up to 36" per second, these doors are fast enough to allow traveling forklifts and pedestrians to quickly pass through.