A solid wall of pick faces at hand level, pallet storage overhead...

Pallet racks that utilize carton flow tracks are an excellent way to mix slow and fast-moving items in the same storage footprint. With overhead pallet storage, bulk quantities are easily transferred to active operation later. Placed along a line of conveyors, or used with cart-based picking, flow racks provide a solid wall of pick faces operators can quickly access to service incoming orders.
Gravity flow modules work best for multiple-item orders, when average supply holding time is minimal, and when item weight is important. First-in, first-out (FIFO) storage gives you automatic inventory rotation. Whether you need a bay or two of flow storage or a long row of gravity-driven pick faces with pallet storage above, utilizing rack-mounted flow storage gives you the flexibility to change and reconfigure as needed; add, move, or remove flow shelves when you want, all within your pallet rack bays.
Note: To ensure stability and integrity, assembled pick modules should be anchored to the floor upon installation.
We can create different sizes and configurations to fit your exact application. Call or submit a carton flow inquiry for more assistance.
Why carton flow?
- Flow system works for each-pick and carton-pick applications, giving you operational flexibility
- A high degree of selectivity means you can access pallets and totes easily
- Takes advantage of the vertical cube; carton flow concentrates many pick faces into very little floor space
- Flow storage increases picking speed and efficiency because it reduces aisles and movement - pickers spend more time picking orders, less time walking to bins
- You can replenish stock from the back while picking continues at the front. Restocking speed can be tripled vs. static shelving
- Low-Profile carton flow track nests between the front and rear pallet rack beams by use of hangers, providing full use of vertical space and smooth carton flow.