What makes a clean curtain special?
Clean curtains are made from highly polished clear PVC 40 mil vinyl. Polishing makes the surface of the vinyl extremely non-porous and smooth so that contaminants, liquids and particulates won't stick to it. Rather they just fall off or slide down to the bottom of the curtain and fall off to the floor.
The curtain's 40 mil thickness makes it heavy duty enough to withstand harsh conditions and provide reliable use through wash-downs, sanitation processes and repeated pulling and pushing back and forth on the suspended track. Vertical seams are heat sealed to close the seam edge off and prevent contaminant build-up, helping to keep the curtains clean and hygienic during use.
The hardware is stainless steel track, hangers and hooks that resist moisture build-up through careful design. The hardware is also able to resist the harsh conditions of high-pressure wash-down, steam cleaning and sanitation solutions while providing easy-to-clean surfaces.
When you need a curtain or clear wall in special processing areas, clean curtains are the way to go. They limit cross contamination, transfer of allergens, and contain odors and dust, thereby improving plant sanitation.