Manufacturer: Adrian's Safety Solutions
Plan to install 3 rack safety straps per rack bay for best results and safety. Place lowest strap at a low height so that it retains pallets themselves, then space remaining 2 safety straps evenly with top safety strap below topmost height of pallet load.
Straps allow up to 6" of overhang on the pallet rack at the back of the rack assuring pallets can be fully inserted into the rack bay.
Measure the beam length from the inside of one upright to the inside of the other using a tape measure or laser meter. Make sure to measure in inches and be as precise as possible. Even though most rack manufacturers use standard beam sizes, sometimes they vary slightly, and even a small variance could affect how your safety accessories perform. If you're not sure which size you should choose, just contact us with your exact measurements. We're happy to help make sure you end up with the right size.
Lead Time: 3 to 5 days + transit time
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