"At a glance, VLM's and vertical carousels seem similar, but they're very different. The first difference is product rotation: carousels rotate the entire carousel in order to deliver inventory to pickers. VLM's deliver only the required level, leaving the rest in storage. Secondly, VLM's are modular and can be expanded vertically, adding or removing height when needed, while carousels are fixed height."
Kevin, Employee-Owner Since 2017
Systems Integration Group
VLM systems deliver the required item to your order pickers in seconds, rather than moving workers to product. Walk and search time are eliminated, meaning workers are more accurate, less fatigued and faster. This dramatically reduces access times and boosts all aspects of the order picking process.
Many facilities do not utilize the vertical cube available to them. You can utilize all the available vertical space in your warehouse or manufacturing plant. The system stores loads in a manner that places the most accessed inventory closest to operators, reducing the amount of travel time while providing maximum storage density.
You'll have accurate and constant inventory and parts numbers to help reduce guesswork and increase your ability to make the right decision. Controllers can be used as stand-alone inventory management systems or communicate with customers' own data processing systems.