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The Model ACZ accumulates cartons, boxes, etc. Basic design eliminates complicated adjustments and allows a minimum of 2% back pressure.
- 190-ACZ Specifications 610 KB PDF, opens a new window
- Rollers-1.9" dia. x 16 ga. galvanized tread rollers spaced every 3" and 1.9" dia. x 16 ga. galvanized pressure rollers spaced every 6"
- Overall frame widths: 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30", 34", 36", 40", & 42". We offer 18" & 24" for online purchasing - others available
- Motor-1/2 HP standard; 1HP & 2HP available
- Reversible
- Capacity (maximum load per linear ft. of conveyor) 200 lbs., not to exceed rated capacities
- Contact us for configuration assistance