"You can configure carton flow in ways that fit everything you do including racks for picking, carts, workstations and more. It's ergonomic and efficient to deliver goods to pickers rather than storing these items in static positions. Check out our Guide to Carton Flow for more information. Call us or send a note for advise on your project."
Antonio, Employee-Owner Since 2012
Account Executive
Store fast-moving carton-pick items below with bulk, palletized storage above to achieve greater storage density
Configure Deck Style Span Track
Patented deck style Span Track is among the easiest, fastest ways to convert pallet rack into gravity flow. It can be added to any single-deep standard rack beam, in depths from 36" to 60".
Configure High Profile Span Track
High Profile Span Track sits on top of and overlaps the front and back pallet rack beams. Learn how to specify the proper length, width, and quantity of flow track needed for your requirement.
Configure Low Profile Span Track
Low profile Span Track is designed to fit in the beams of your existing pallet racks. Here's what you need to know to specify the right tracks for the job.
Selecting the right Span-Track for your application.
Gravity Flow vs. Static Shelving
Depending on your situation, there may be gains in picking productivity when using gravity flow racks instead of static shelving.
Making the Right Order Picking Choices: Static Storage, Automated Systems, and Gravity Flow Alternatives. Discover which will best fit your situation.
The "80-20" principle applied to live storage in ways that increase your available space and your picking productivity.
Span-Track carton flow capacities, dimensions and more information.
You can fill your rack with gravity flow shelves or a include some pallet storage in the mix. Here's an overview of different configurations for various warehousing and picking applications.