Selecting the right turntable stretchwrapper
On a turntable stretch wrapping machine, pallets are processed on the machine's turntable. As it revolves, the pallet load is wrapped according to a predetermined cross-spiral pattern. Wrap pattern maximizes holding power while minimizing material use.
When specifying a turntable machine, make sure it can handle the weight of the heaviest load to be wrapped. A key component of a turntable machine is its load-bearing base frame, which should be fully constructed of structural steel components running the full length of the frame. This feature gives the machine more rigidity and better stability on uneven surfaces.
Semi or Fully Automated?
Fully automatic wrapping equipment requires virtually no direct labor in the process, whereas on a semi-automatic machine, a worker directs almost everything but the wrap cycle. Production rate and throughput level will determine your need for either a semi- or fully automatic system. In many situations, throughput rate of 30+ loads per hour dictate the use of a fully automatic or stand-alone system for maximum efficiency.
Low Profile and High Profile
- High profile stretch wrappers are loaded with forklifts. Platform heights are 10" to 14" above the floor. The added height (which is above the level of forklift wheels) helps protect the machine from damage due to forklifts rolling over the turntable. High-profile turntables are square shaped with rounded corners, which allows the forklift to approach closer and more easily center a load.
- Low profile stretchwrapper turntables set 3" off the floor for easy pallet jack loading (utilizing optional ramps).
- The ultra low profile model includes an 8" three-sided ramp. The turntable rests low to the ground - about 3/4" - to allow you to load it without a separate ramp, keeping floor space to a minimum.