Zero MountainCold storage leader Zero Mountain adds critical frozen storage capacity.
Goody Goody LiquorLiquor distributor complies with tax stamp laws with high-speed automation.
Simmons Pet FoodsSimmons increased safety, reduced labor costs, and achieved faster throughput with its new conveyor and palletizing systems. It managed to implement the new system without interfering with its ongoing operations.
ATC Logistics & ElectronicsMaterial handling system increases capacity, accuracy and reduced ergonomic concerns.
AviallIn the aerospace distribution market, Aviall is a world leader. Here's how the company automated its conveyorized material handling system to increase accuracy and reduce manual processes.
Barrett HamiltonBarrett-Hamilton, a Little Rock-based distributor of distilled spirits, wines, and popular beers, wanted to capitalize on the burgeoning consumer demand for microbrewed beers. It needed a conveyor system up and running - and it needed it fast.
The Container StoreThis catalog distribution center increased its output by 60% without increasing the number of order pickers or other personnel. The Container Store excels at helping its customers get organized - and that extends to organization of its own operations.
Excel Beef, Friona TXCargill packs about 30,000 cases of beef each day at its Friona facility. Here is how a new handling system transformed that operation. Now, the company operates a new 50,000-square-foot distribution center that helps it handle increasing demand.
Excel Beef, Plainview TXIn the previous system, boxes of beef were stored on loaded flow racks. Paper-based order picking was inefficient and often inaccurate. In addition, workers had to handle boxes weighing as much as 110 pounds, further slowing the process.
Excel Beef, Dodge City KSThis project combined AS/RS with sortation conveyors, high-speed palletizers, stretch wrappers, and more to create smooth product flow for both pallets and cases.
Fidelity InvestmentsThis fully integrated system gives Fidelity unprecedented order picking speed, continuous inventory tracking, more throughput in less space, near perfect order fulfillment, and the virtual elimination of inventory-related paperwork.
Fujitsu"It took us an average of five minutes to handle an order with our old system. Now, we handle twenty orders in five minutes - many in as few as 12 seconds - and we're more accurate than we were before..."
gadzooksCisco-Eagle provided a printer labeling conveyor system at this retail distribution facility which slashed labor costs and made fulfillment more effective
GroceryWorks.comThe Groceryworks conveyor runs at a constant 90 feet per minute, allowing pickers to pick up to 1,000 orders a day at the peak order fulfillment projected. That's using as few as 30 people to pick the entire operation.
HitachiHitachi America, Ltd. Semiconductor Equipment Group (SEG) distributes replacement parts to customers throughout the United States, Ireland and the Middle East. This material handling system implementation helped increase picking speed and reduce errors.
JA Majors Co.Majors had consolidated two smaller distribution centers into its Lewisville, TX warehouse and was experiencing high order volumes because of the consolidations and a 50% increase in orders. "Our answer to increased demand has always been more people..."
McGraw-HillThis textbook publisher handles 30% business increase while reducing needed manpower utilizing carousels, conveyor systems, ergonomic lifts, and flow storage working in synchronization with business objectives.
Mouser ElectronicsMouser Electronics is one of the largest supplier-authorized catalog distributors of electronic components in North America. This update of its Texas distribution center increased order output and shipping efficiency.
Mouser ExpansionPreviously, Cisco-Eagle designed an addition that more than doubled facility size from 105,000 square feet to its current 280,000 square feet. But Mouser just kept growing, averaging 33% annual increases. Updates were required to handle 4,000 daily orders
Salon SupportImagine 47% growth annually for 10 years - a problem everyone wants, right? With that kind of explosive growth came challenges for Salon Support, a Fort Worth, Texas, tanning supplies distributor.
TRS-RenTelco"We've had less need for contract labor and services than we have ever had. The labor cost savings for not adding positions as we grew has been significant. The accuracy is key. If we promise customers it will be there, we make it."
TTI, Inc."We've increased quality and productivity. We have a better work environment. We improved the things like efficiency, and the quality of our work life. We simplified our process and improved every aspect of the operation."
Macy's Ecommerce Fulfillment CentersAs part of its overall e-commerce plans, Macy's Stores elected to decentralize much of its distribution and focus online distribution at smaller facilities, each located in the back of the retailers stores.