A Review of Plant Security & Access Control Equipment
How to secure just about anything in your facility
Warehouse security is sometimes slighted – other than perhaps exterior door locks and perhaps alarms. Security professionals will tell you that security is substantially about access to desirable items. How can you limit it? Let’s take a look at security equipment that can reduce temptation and help to keep vandals away from expensive exterior equipment.
What temptations are in or around your facilities?
Do you have valuable goods that are small enough to conceal and remove to employee cars in the parking lot or other cache locations like behind bushes or bins? Are some of those goods moved through portions of the facility? Do transport drivers have access to storage areas or staging areas? How close is employee parking to dock doors? How close are stored goods to employee external access points? Each of these present potential security breach points because goods are accessible, easy to conceal and or remove from the building during regular business hours.
How about exterior temptations? Are HVAC units accessible? Drums stored on pallets only? Goods staged outside? Each scenario offers vandals and/or thieves the opportunities they are looking for.
Equipment for protecting against theft and vandalism
Wire security partitions – full size
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Smaller wire mesh cages
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Security trucks/mobile cages: steel and aluminum
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Visibility and heavy-duty locking cabinets
- Security cabinets with clear or ventilated doors
- Ventilated security cabinets with integrated bin storage
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Rack security enclosures: solid and mesh
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Folding “scissor” security gates
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Secure drum storage
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Reduce opportunities for theft
Your employees may handle things all day long they can’t easily afford as they move, assemble, package or pick your goods. Most are honest, but a few will work to supplement their income by pilfering inventory. By securing the most tempting items away from unauthorized hands, you reduce temptations and improve the working environment for everyone. Make thieves work harder for the valuable metals in those HVAC systems by securing them sufficiently to make the thief move on to an easier target.
Do cycle counts regularly. Only stage loads just before scheduled pickup times. Put received goods away quickly instead of leaving them in the staging areas. Pay attention and create a culture that rewards honesty. Your people are your best defense against theft; help them reduce the chances of a losses by empowering them and reducing the ability of thieves, internal or external to access tools, inventory and other valuables.
Tags: welded, mesh, expanded steel, security cabinet, truck, security products, wire cage, wire partition, woven
Scott Stone is Cisco-Eagle's Vice President of Marketing with 35 years of experience in material handling, warehousing and industrial operations. His work is published in multiple industry journals an websites on a variety of warehousing topics. He writes about automation, warehousing, safety, manufacturing and other areas of concern for industrial operations and those who operate them.