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Automation: It’s Not All-or-Nothing

July 9, 2024

manufacturing facility with manual and automated mixed processes

If your operation is mature, up-and-running, and delivering results, is it possible to automate individual steps and achieve excellent ROI? The answer is yes — but only in cases where your process is well-defined and correctly segmented into steps you can analyze for productivity gains. This kind of localized productivity is often the intersection of productivity and automation.

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How to Start Your Palletizer Project

May 23, 2024

robotic palletizer in action

In this new age of battling labor shortages while increasing throughput, finding the right means is critical. Forward-thinking operations that turn to automated solutions are finding a balance between worker and machine. This balance leads to new heights scaled in terms of productivity and engagement.

One way to enhance an operation in this regard is by implementing palletizers. These systems offer increasing speed, safety and structure of pallet production, but when considering such a solution where should you begin?

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Palletizers: Robotic vs. Conventional

May 7, 2024

photo of side by side robotic arm palletizer and layer bag palletizer systems

Palletizers are great for higher-volume operations. They increase palletizing speed, increase safety, and build solid, consistent pallets without human intervention. In today’s tough labor market, palletizing is one of the best places to automate and reduce manual involvement. Fully-automated systems come in two basic varieties: conventional and robotic, either of which could be the right fit for your operation.

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Warehouse Automation: The Cost of Doing Nothing

January 18, 2024

automated facility with AS/RS, conveyors and transport system

People who operate industrial facilities have a difficult task. While the world changes around them, they’re dealing with a static operation that can be difficult to change or revitalize. Sunk costs, funding and organizational inertia can paralyze you at the worst moments. But the reality is that from our supply chains to labor to our customer demand profile, things are always in flux.

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ROI for Warehouse and Manufacturing Automation: A Panel Discussion

December 5, 2023

WERC North Texas 2023 Automation Panel Discussion

Above: James Murphy moderates a panel discussion on automation return-on-investment with Mitch Smith of Hytrol, Nils Hart of Muratec and Bryan Gauger of Cisco-Eagle

Cisco-Eagle’s Bryan Gauger joined Mitch Smith of Hytrol and Nils Hart of Muratec for a Warehousing Education and Research Council panel on automation projects return-on-investment. The discussion revolved around ROI factors ranging from labor to safety. Because labor and money are both tight, justifying capital expenditures is more important than ever. Here are the panel’s thoughts on critical ROI issues:

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Automation: Starting with a Clean Slate

October 10, 2023

manual and robotic palletizing.

How should your next automation project be evaluated? In many cases, companies try to replicate a manual processes through automation: if a person once rotated a tote, then picked from it and placed the contents into a container, that’s what the automation does. This kind of solution can provide excellent results, but may not be the optimal solution. What if you began with operational goals in mind that imagine a solution without the manual process?

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Buffers, Conveyors, Robotics and Automation: What Works, What Doesn’t

October 3, 2023

conveyor system with cartons accumulating as a buffer.

Most every manufacturing or distribution facility builds in storage and handling buffers – and for good reason. Buffers hold product or processes when work flow isn’t balanced. For instance, a conveyor buffer may exist between picking and packing operations. This allows picking to continue even if the packing, quality control or shipping departments are backed up. Buffers maintain balance between functions and ensure continuity.

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VLMs Vs. Vertical Carousels: Critical Specification Factors

August 8, 2023

Vertical carousels and vertical lift modules—VLMs for short—enhance organization, increase storage density, improve security and speed throughput. They serve components directly to pickers in waist-high ergonomic zones. 

While these systems are similar from a functional standpoint and look similar from the outside, they can have different use cases and application requirements. Kevin, a Cisco-Eagle Dallas account executive, zeroes in on the differences in this video. 

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Targeted Warehouse Automation: Manual Pallet Handling

April 13, 2023

stacking and wrapping pallets with manual processes
While many companies can benefit from full scale automation, the math isn’t the same for everyone. However, labor shortages continue to drive companies to seek ways to reduce dependence on manual processes in specific, labor-intensive functions. What are some areas you should target for partial automation?

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4-Tote Carriage Mini-Load for Small Product Storage & Retrieval

March 2, 2023

Ledger A3 mini-load AS/RS system in action at a fulfillment center

Our partners at Murata Machinery USA are introducing the company’s newest addition to its mini-load AS/RS line, the Ledger A3 AS/RS system. This four-tote carriage mini-load system for smaller, lighter goods is the first of its kind.

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