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April 2024 Insights: Staffing America’s Manufacturing Boom

April 25, 2024

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This month, we cover the investments one state is making to staff its manufacturing sector, vertical automation options, AI in warehousing, and more.

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Insights: The State of Warehouse Productivity

March 28, 2024

Morning coffee with Cisco-Eagle photo
Because labor has the lion’s share of costs in most warehouses and manufacturing facilities, productivity is always about the labor. Below we dive into a report below on the state of warehousing productivity and the ways you can analyze and improve it. Because we’re seeing worker shortages in the sector across the board, finding ways to help integrate younger workers into your operation is critical – also covered here.

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Stress and The Warehouse Worker: What are the Issues?

February 27, 2024

morning cofee and bagel

This month, we delve into the stresses faced by warehouse workers, and how that may play into the sector’s competitiveness for labor as the available pool continues to contract. Also: detailed data on manufacturing output, ROI for industrial capital spending, and a bit more.

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Manufacturing Expansion: Who, What, Where and How?

January 30, 2024

morning cofee and bagel

As we enter 2024, it’s no secret that manufacturing is growing at a nearly unprecedented rate. This cycle has been on the rise for years, and is now accelerating. Beneath the surface, some regions and sectors are growing faster than others. What are the trends we can anticipate in 2024 and beyond?

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October Insights: The “Robot Tax”, Worker Concerns with Automation

October 26, 2023

Morning coffee with Cisco-Eagle photo
Coverage of issues relating to automation, labor management, material handling, inventory shrinkage, and labor issues for industrial facilities and the people who operate them.

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Download Our Guide To Warehouse Security

March 4, 2021

warehouse security layout

Every facility fights a constant battle to keep its equipment and product safe and secure from theft. You want to maintain access for high-value items while also limiting availability to only those that really need to handle them. Our new guide to industrial security is here to help you find the right security options to fit your operations.

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Conveyors in Difficult Environments

May 2, 2019

Conveyor in a dusty manufacturing area
Conveyors are essential for manufacturing operations, but in some areas where they are exposed to dust, airborne debris, moisture or chemicals, there may be issues with their mechanical components. These environmental factors impact performance, equipment lifespan, maintenance burdens and safety, but can be dealt with if the conveyor is properly designed, used and maintained. Let’s dive into these issues.

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Posted in Conveyor Optimization|

Safety When Installing A Foundationless Jib Crane

January 17, 2019

jib crane

You want to move heavy loads safely and effectively while also keeping your solution economical and efficient. Consider the Jib Crane, and effective tool in your warehouse arsenal that will hold its own and can interface with a wide variety of workstations and functions.

Foundationless Jib cranes offer versatility and economic savings, as they are bolted directly to an existing concrete floor and don’t require a concrete foundation. Using the existing floor means that you don’t need to install a costly special foundation, plus you can install and use the system sooner because you don’t need to wait for concrete to cure. Existing floor use also makes sense for smaller capacity and shorter span jib cranes. With that said, there are multiple concrete considerations before you install a foundationless jib crane. The key, is your installation.

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Posted in Lifting & Lift Systems|

Warehouse Robotics – How to Apply Them to Your Needs

May 3, 2018

warehouse robotics

While warehouse robotics can be thought of as too futuristic, there are many e-commerce fulfillment applications being installed today that are set up to take full advantage of all they have to offer a facility. Some may be leery of this technology, but it would be a mistake to say that robotics would never apply to your warehouse.

Today’s robotic applications are all based on existing applications and technology, not uncharted research, and each generation of technology gets cheaper. Here are some important considerations when looking at applying warehouse robotics today.

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Posted in Automation, Labor & Efficiency|

So You’ve Decided To Automate Your Facility. What Next?

February 22, 2018

automated conveyor

With the rapid increase of the pace of manufacturing and distribution, facilities that automate manual processes will increase their ROI and grow their bottom line. Customer demand is ever increasing, right along with the costs to service that demand. You want your warehouse to deliver faster and more efficient results without sacrificing production. You’re looking at automating components within your facility to produce this change. But how can you really get started?

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