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It’s Critical: Pallet Rack Load and Application Drawings

June 18, 2024


warehouse pallet racking

It’s a fact of life: companies need to adapt to new business, and that means the warehouse.

Your customer base might change. Your company’s inventory strategy could differ from year to year, which means new loads and shifting layouts. You may need to move racks from one place to another or supplement them with new components or replace damaged ones. To be sure your warehouse is safe, you should have load and application drawings.

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10 Easy Tips to Increase Warehouse Safety

February 15, 2024

forklift accessing load stored on pallet rack

Insufficient safety measures in warehouse and distribution centers can have severe repercussions, including injuries, operational downtime, product losses, property damages, and potential legal actions. Of particular concern are accidents involving collisions between forklifts or other vehicles and employees or visitors.

Within busy operations, a forklift or other vehicle may eventually run into existing rack. While the rack may not require immediate replacement, storage capacity and product throughput may be compromised for some time. If overloaded, or loaded incorrectly, a rack can also collapse, spilling the inventory to the ground. Employees and visitors must also be protected from vehicle traffic.

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How to Specify Dock Area Pallet Racks

January 9, 2024

Busy warehouse shipping dock with pallets stored in racks and on the floor

Above: pallet racks are installed both to the side and in front of dock doors in tight space. Palletized loads are floor-staged nearby, further squeezing space.

Warehouse shipping docks are one of the busiest areas in any warehouse. You have the buzz of constant activity as shipments are received or processed out the door, with a mixture of people on foot, forklifts, carts, floor scales, pallets and storage areas. There may be extendable conveyors or other equipment in the same relatively compact footprint. During busy times, it gets more congested and less workable.

It’s also a popular area for palletized storage on, near and around the area. Here’s what to keep in mind:

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Pallet Rack: Anchoring, Safety and OSHA Compliance Factors

November 9, 2023

heavy duty die storage rack anchored to a concrete warehouse floor.

Warehouses use pallet racks because they maximize storage space, streamline operations, and organize inventory like no other system. We discuss rack safety in depth because it’s so critical for protecting people, property, inventory and facilities. A rack safety fundamental is anchoring: the right anchors, installed correctly, into a subfloor designed for that purpose. Think of the floor-rack connection as the very basis of your rack’s balance and capacity.

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Damaged Pallet Rack: Repair or Replace?

May 11, 2023

Warehouse managers surveying racks for damage and procedure.

Whether you replace or repair pallet rack, it’s always advisable to evaluate the structural integrity and safety of damaged rack components. When you’re considering a repair strategy, you should be aware of the strength and limitations of your options.

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Options for Pallet Rack Floor-Level Storage Versatility

May 2, 2023


Change is inevitable, particularly in warehousing, manufacturing and distribution. Many warehouses will shift storage area missions over time. New SKUs, more inventory, and different business and operational missions can create the need for newer storage concepts. The problem? There isn’t always a place for new demands. When this occurs, one thing to consider is using the floor or lower levels of your rack system.

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Pallet Rack Safety: Policies and Practices

March 7, 2023

warehouse manager inspecting a pallet rack in a warehouse.

Operating a warehouse almost always means using pallet racks to take advantage of vertical space and organization of bulk storage. If they’re specified, installed and loaded correctly, racks are usually one of the most stable, effective and safest pieces of warehouse equipment. Because they carry heavy loads on vertical structures, racks should always be evaluated for safety and effectiveness. They’re stable, but that stability can be compromised by any number of factors.

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How to Prevent Pallet Rack Push-Through Accidents

January 12, 2023

Loading a pallet into a high-bay rack system with a forklift

When heavy pallets are stored on horizontal beams in your pallet rack system, there is always some danger of a pallet or items stored on it, being pushed through the back of the rack. Items or full pallets can then fall or push the pallet behind them toward the next aisle in double row systems. What are some options to reduce the hazards related to push-through accidents?

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Pallet Rack Evaluation: Safety

September 27, 2022

Pallet rack being evaluated.

Pallet racks are integral to modern warehousing and aren’t static systems. Safety has always been one of the most critical aspects of warehousing and pallet racks have an outsized influence on warehouse safety. When you evaluate your rack, always take time to look for safety issues.

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When To Replace Pallet Rack

July 21, 2022

View of warehouse pallet rack used for storage

As a long-term investment, pallet racks tend to “go the distance”; you can count on them to retain their strength and integrity for years.

Even so, replacing your pallet rack might be a matter of damage (over time or suddenly) or from other reasons such as age or changes in your storage operation. Let’s review the reasons you might want to partially or fully replace your rack.

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