How to Quadruple the Number of Pick Faces in Carton Flow
For applications that have light, larger cartons, column flow racks add space and picking efficiency
When your load is case-picked, relatively light, and smooth, column flow racks allow you to create storage density and increase the number of pick faces.
One method to optimize case picking storage density is to create more vertical pick spaces
Column flow racking is an innovation designed to present vertical columns of cartons to pickers. It works well for light cartons where flow storage and order picking are desired. You can stack cartons in each lane, allowing for more pick faces in the same space.
Although this system isn’t right for every application, it can provide a large number of pick faces for many types of case-picked product in the same space as regular flow racking. You can add pick faces up to the point where pickers can reach the cases. Very tall racks and stacks may not be suitable for this method unless you have alternative means for pickers to access the cartons.
These systems also have lane enforcement barriers and other ways to ensure cartons track correctly and safely.
See Column Flow Racking for more details and photos.
- Carton flow home – see all styles
- Typical Flow Storage Configurations
- Breaking Down Carton Flow Types
Tags: warehousing, Material Handling, distribution center, Carton flow rack, gravity flow systems, Order Picking & Fulfillment
Scott Stone is Cisco-Eagle's Vice President of Marketing with 35 years of experience in material handling, warehousing and industrial operations. His work is published in multiple industry journals an websites on a variety of warehousing topics. He writes about automation, warehousing, safety, manufacturing and other areas of concern for industrial operations and those who operate them.