Congressman Kevin Hern Visits Cisco-Eagle to Discuss Supply Chain, Employee Ownership
Discussed the importance of distribution, manufacturing and employee ownership
U.S. Congressman Kevin Hern of Oklahoma’s First District visited Cisco-Eagle’s Tulsa offices on 4/5/2021 to discuss the impact of distribution, manufacturing companies that keep the supply chain moving. Congressman Hern discussed employee ownership and its positive impact on the economy during this visit.
During the visit, the Congressman took many questions from Cisco-Eagle employee-owners on topics ranging from taxation to employee ownership to government policies affecting our critical manufacturing, warehousing and distribution customer base.
“I spent some time with Cisco-Eagle’s employee-owners learning about them and their company’s culture and mission,” said Hern. “Their work in distribution and manufacturing operations helps us keep critical industries empowered and in the United States. We need to support and expand the manufacturing supply-chain in the United States so we are not dependent on other countries for essential products. I appreciate employee owned companies like Cisco-Eagle, and how they help Oklahoma companies be more competitive and create more jobs.”
He was eager to learn about employee ownership and how it affects the way the company operates and competes. Congressman Hern also related to us that he had programmed an industrial robot during his college senior project. Congressman Hern also engaged with us on issues relating to employee ownership, the business climate and taxation.
The congressman’s visit was arranged by ESCA, the Employee Owned S Corporations of America. ESCA is the Washington, D.C., voice for employee-owned S corporations. Since 1998, ESCA’s membership has grown to more than 160 companies and 200,000 employee-owners in every state in the nation.
We appreciate Congressman Hern’s interest in our company, our industry and employee ownership.
Cisco-Eagle provides exceptional service by employee-owners, who hold 100% of the company’s shares
We consider our fellow employees to be business partners and operate in an open environment, which makes us more flexible and innovative.
We believe that owners provide superior service. Based on our customer service ratings, our customers agree. All Cisco-Eagle employees are all shareholders who collaborate to provide customers the best possible solutions and service. For more information about our ownership culture, visit our ESOP page.
Tags: Employee ownership, distribution centers, manufacturing technology
Scott Stone is Cisco-Eagle's Vice President of Marketing with 35 years of experience in material handling, warehousing and industrial operations. His work is published in multiple industry journals an websites on a variety of warehousing topics. He writes about automation, warehousing, safety, manufacturing and other areas of concern for industrial operations and those who operate them.