Can Your Floor Bear the Weight of a New Mezzanine?
Not all plant floors are built the same - know yours before you specify a new mezzanine
Be sure your floor can handle a structure – and all the weight or activity planned for that structure
We’ve created an informative article you should check out if you are thinking of installing a mezzanine in your facility.
When implementing an Industrial Equipment Platform (mezzanine) be sure that you are not putting too much stress or weight on the floor of the building. Too much weight will cause the floor to crack – or worse. This article tells you how to calculate the correct load capacity and column spacing for any new structural mezzanine project. Floor capacity depends on the thickness of the concrete, but that’s not the end of the story. It also matters how much the soil underneath the slab will compress.
Click “Calculating Mezzanine Floor Capacities” to get the whole story…
Tags: Mezzanines, industrial storage, productivity, work platforms, warehousing, Material Handling, order fulfillment
Scott Stone is Cisco-Eagle's Vice President of Marketing with more than thirty years of experience in material handling, warehousing and industrial operations. His work is published in multiple industry journals an websites on a variety of warehousing topics. He writes about automation, warehousing, safety, manufacturing and other areas of concern for industrial operations and those who operate them.