In warehouses where forklifts drive beneath doors, ducts, conveyors, electrical equipment or other overhead obstructions, costly and dangerous accidents can happen. What are some ways to make these pass-throughs safer?
How to Prevent Forklifts from Striking Doors & Overhead Obstructions
Tags: facility maintenance, forklift safety, industrial safety
Posted in Safety & Ergonomics|
What Type of Industrial Shelving Would Work Best for You?
While there are dozens and dozens of shelving manufacturers and even more variations of trade names for them, there are really just three basic kinds of industrial shelving manufactured and broadly used — Rivet-Type, Steel Clip, and Wire. Of course, there are more variations of these shelving types than you can imagine, but most shelving boils down to these kinds. You can also consider bulk rack as “shelving”, but we have found that heavy duty rivet shelving often fulfills the roles it has typically filled.
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Tags: warehousing, Material Handling, industrial storage, shelving, shelves, facility maintenance, interior design
Posted in Storage, Organization & Workstations|