Pallet racks are probably the most common warehouse storage equipment in the world, and for good reason: they’re safe, versatile and use the vertical cube of high-bay warehouses when correctly specified, loaded, unloaded and used within the rack’s tolerance. Load distribution–the way a load sits on your racks–is a critical factor for safe usage. Here’s how to get it right.
Pallet Rack Load Distribution Guide
Tags: warehouse storage, pallet racks, rack safety, RMI
Posted in Pallet & Warehouse Racks|
Prevent Defense – Pallet Rack Protection Options from All Angles
Traffic coming and going within your facility’s pallet rack storage areas is a daily occurrence (or at least it better be!) and the higher the traffic, the better off your operations are probably doing. With tight supply chains, inventory shortages, longer lead times and limited patience from customers, movement around your rack is a constant. You can’t afford an accident. With that constant activity comes the potential for rack and inventory damage from various angles and situations. With that in mind, what are some simple ways you can protect your pallet rack?
Tags: Pallet Rack, rack safety, Safety & Ergonomics
Posted in Pallet & Warehouse Racks|
The Warehouse Manager’s Guide to Walking Around: Pallet Racks
It’s always busy when you operate a warehouses or DC, but as noted philosopher Ferris Bueller once said, “life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The same applies to your facility and specifically its pallet racks. A good way to ensure they’re being used correctly and safely is to stop and look around once in a while. In that spirit, let’s touch on some things to examine in your warehouse rack operation.
Tags: Walking Around, Warehouse Management, pallet racking, warehouse productivity, rack safety, Inspections
Posted in Pallet & Warehouse Racks|
Securing Product in Pallet Rack Bays
There are some inherent safety and security issues when it comes to pallet rack – goods failing to be appropriately stacked on the pallets, failing to shrink wrap goods on the pallet, over hanging pallets past the rack beams into the flue space, and failing to secure high dollar products being stored in rack bays. Each of these situations present hazards either in safety or security.
Tags: enclosure, straps, guard, netting, cage, security, rack safety, Safety & Ergonomics
Posted in Security|