When you are considering an automated picking solution, you have lots of choices. One of the more frequent comparisons is between horizontal carousels and VLM’s – vertical lift modules. Both promise similar efficiency gains: they bring products to pickers rather forcing pickers to move to picking stations in shelving or racks. But which is best? That depends on what set of criteria you use, and what’s important to you.
Vertical Lift Modules vs. Horizontal Carousels
Tags: Automation, picking systems, warehouse technology
Posted in Automation, Labor & Efficiency|
Comparing Gravity Flow Rack Types
Walk into any order fulfillment operation, and you will see gravity flow rack.
The reason is obvious–it’s one of the best ways to pick orders utilizing first-in, first-out principles. It used to be that there was one kind of the stuff, the plastic-wheel tracks, but these days the choices are more diverse than ever. For the most part, these flow rack types act the same; they decline toward the picker and boxes or totes or even larger components flow toward him. They’re restocked from the rear and picked from the front onto a takeaway conveyor line, a cart, workstation, or another step in the process.
Tags: order fulfillment, Supply Chain, carton flow, gravity flow rack, distribution center, Unex, Keneco, Conveyor, picking systems, warehousing, Material Handling, Hytrol
Posted in Order Picking & Fulfillment|