Safety and security are critical for warehouses and other industrial facilities. Many times, safety means controlling access to your facility and keeping unauthorized people out of areas where they aren’t allowed. Industrial-strength folding gates make your facilities more secure, but allow frequent, easy access to those who need it. Whether it’s a doorway, hallway, or loading dock, folding gates make warehouses safer. Let’s dive into it.
5 Ways Folding Gates Make Your Warehouse Safer
Tags: dock security, security gates, work environment, Loading dock information
Posted in Security|
Comfort and Productivity: It’s Worth It
I recently attended a product training class on high volume low speed fans, and a statistic was thrown out to the audience that really got me thinking. A NASA study, Compendium of Human Responses to the Aerospace Environment*, showed that worker productivity falls significantly for every degree over an optimum temperature of about 72 degrees. If the temperature hits 85 degrees in the workplace, productivity drops by 18% and accuracy a walloping 40%.
Tags: hearing loss, noise, lighting quality, ergonomics, Safety & Ergonomics, worker environment, temperature comfort, fire safety, air quality
Posted in Safety & Ergonomics|
Fall Protection for Rooftop and Catwalk Workers
Work on rooftops is dangerous – even for those with long experience. It’s easy to get over-confident, forgetful, and unaware of how close you are to a potential fall. Workers often push the limits to finish up faster, step unexpectedly in the wrong place, or trip and fall into a skylight or roof hatch. In fact, according to OSHA, falls are the #1 cause of fatalities in construction, with nearly 400 deaths in 2014 alone.
What can be done to protect these workers and contractors?
Tags: hatch, roof edge, perimeter guard, fall barrier, fall protection, rooftop fall prevention, skylight
Posted in Safety & Ergonomics|
What’s the Right Warehouse Rack System for Your Operation?
A warehouse rack system is a humble part of any storage operation that can quietly make or break its success. While that may sound dramatic, it’s a fact that in a warehouse or distribution center a rack system is at the core of operations. It’s involved in several stages of operations and it follows that it should be carefully considered.
The good news is warehouse racking systems are available in many different configurations. Most can be customized to suit your warehouse’s specific space and business needs, fill the cube and operate in most any way you’d like. Whether you are storing pallets, beverage loads, heavy components, furniture, food, cartons or any other load, rack systems can be designed to fit your application.
Posted in Pallet & Warehouse Racks|
Crossovers and Work Platforms: The Advantages of Modular
I recently attended training on a crossover and work platform product that continues to impress me for its flexibility and innovative engineering. Because of its modular design, it stands out from fabricated and manufactured products because it can morph and change as your needs change. There are times where a fixed, welded platform is fine, but it has hidden costs. Let’s examine those…
Tags: Perfect A Step, Space Optimization, crossover, work platform, modular, Erect A Step
Posted in Mezzanines & Industrial Platforms|
AisleCop® Upgrades Pedestrian Gate System
AisleCop® forklift safety systems are used by  many companies concerned with the safety of pedestrians who work near forklifts in warehousing, manufacturing and other operations. The system relies on a series of gates, sensors and intelligent controls to manage dangerous, high-traffic, or limited visibility areas. Aside from general traffic applications, AisleCop® is also utilized in innovative ways to guard work cells and other areas where people and traffic interact.
In a major product upgrade, new pedestrian gate systems have been introduced to increase the visibility and versatility of the system.
Tags: forklifts, industrial accident prevention, facility safety, Warehouse Management
Posted in Forklift - Pedestrian Safety|
Essentials of Safe Chemical Storage
Often we think of hazardous chemicals storage in light of EPA and other regulatory requirements – what will I get cited for if I don’t comply? Forget citations – isn’t the real reason the safety of your workers and your facility? Let’s discuss safety measures that don’t require a large effort, but may help prevent significant issues.
Tags: spill containment, safety cabinets, fire resistant lockers, hazardous chemical storage, chemical label, waste chemical, spill prevention regulations
Posted in Safety & Ergonomics|
Workbenches & Workstations – How to Optimize Work Flow
As your business grows, the flow of materials tends to bog down as demand increases, forced through the same channels and processes. Throughput grinding slowly down is a story as old as warehousing itself.
Frequently the operations that lag behind the rest of the process are in the picking, packing and shipping areas of your facility. What’s difficult is that these inefficiencies evolve over time, where they can almost be hidden from an analytical view. It seems that no matter how many people you throw at the problem, they never catch up, and error rates escalate. Often the solution is in simple steps toward organizing your packing areas and putting supplies conveniently at hand.
Tags: throughput, packing, shipping, workstations, ergonomics, industrial work stations, workbench, warehouse flow
Posted in Storage, Organization & Workstations|
ZoneSafe Proximity Warning & Alert Systems are Changing Forklift Safety
Industrial traffic is a danger, particularly to pedestrians. The injury and fatality numbers are so frightening that any operation that mixes vehicles should consider options above and beyond simple training when it comes to these issues. There are plenty of options that help increase visibility, warn drivers and help protect pedestrians. One versatile option is the ZoneSafe proximity and warning alert system.
It’s now represented in North America by Cisco-Eagle. Let’s talk about what makes it different.
Tags: forklift safety, warehouse safety, RFID
Posted in Forklift - Pedestrian Safety|
How to Reduce Your Storage Footprint with Spiral Conveyors
In any warehouse or distribution facility, there are two critical—and usually very limited—commodities: time and space.
Warehouses and DC’s are limited by these two constraints – you basically have your square footage, your people, and 24 hours in a day—or less, if you aren’t running three shifts. These constraints drive us to refine processes and optimize performance. Let’s discuss a type of equipment that can save time and slash the need for space: spiral conveyors.
Tags: Space Optimization
Posted in Conveyor Optimization|