Scott Stone | Warehousing Insights | Material Handling Systems - Part 41
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Ten Reasons to Automate Your Operation

June 10, 2011

automated conveyors

In the not-too-distant past, most companies that weren’t running immense distribution operations, who didn’t have multiple facilities, who didn’t run 24-hour shifts, didn’t even consider automation. Too expensive, they’d say. Too much risk. Too little upside if things go wrong.  All valid in context, if it was 1998. But the reality is this: While most costs—personnel, land, energy— have increased, automation costs have remained steady or declined across the board. The reality today is that the four guys stacking pallets at the end of a line, even for a single shift, even at low wages, are more expensive than a well configured palletizing system.

Those costs aren’t going to do anything but escalate, either. Listed are ten ways automation has become more relevant, even to mid-size operations:

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Smart Labor Management Helps Cut Warehouse Costs

May 22, 2011

packing operations

It’s important to control costs in your operation. What are some warehousing cost-cutting methods you can employ that don’t require extensive investment or re-tooling? Most of the costs of warehousing operations fall into the following categories:

  • People
  • Real Estate, Utilities & other Fixed Costs
  • Inventory
  • Technology

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Options for Bar Stock, Tubing & Pipe Storage Racks

March 24, 2011

storing bar stock

Especially in heavy manufacturing, machine shops, petroleum or chemical operations, large bundles of pipe, tubing, bar stock or other long, heavy loads must be stored and picked during the day. Multiple ways are available to store these loads.  They can be picked by forklifts, by hand, by hoist or by crane. The choices you make will determine how you access the product (and how easily), how much space it takes and its safety. Here are the options:

Storing it on the floor

In some operations, this is the default method. Sometimes these loads are floor-stored between bollards and a wall, or other obstructions that prevent them from rolling or falling outside the defined storage area. This method is the baseline, and it’s not pretty.

  • Cost: Floor storage has no direct cost. There is not much if any equipment to purchase. Some installations require bollards or posts, or floor striping for organization.
  • Space Consumption: The floor is going to host exactly one bundle in a given area. It’s not going to stack well, and if it does, that’s a potentially dangerous stack.
  • Ease of access: Ever try to pick up a 12′ bar of steel from the floor, or even off a stack? Typically you can use a hoist, but not a forklift. Most of the time, floor loads are hand picked.
  • Safety: An unsecured bundle isn’t safe. But one that sits on the floor isn’t going to fall on anyone, although it might slide out onto legs or feet.

For any significant operation, this is going to slow you down, endanger people and cause inventory damage. It’s acceptable for a very low moving stock that is near to its processing machinery or otherwise in a niche somewhere that isn’t expected to grow.

Cantilever racks

Cantilever racks storing tube stockA good majority of these loads are stored on cantilever rack. Drive around any industrial district and you’ll see cantilever racks holding tube and pipe loads everywhere, and for good reason. It works, it’s relatively inexpensive and it’s durable.

  • Cost: Cantilever rack is cost-effective. It can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand per rack, depending on the height, capacity, length, etc.
  • Space Consumption: Cantilever racks allow you to place stock (like steel, aluminum or iron) into racks and off the floor so you can utilize vertical space, but you’ll need space for forklift aisles. Cantilever can utilize more vertical space than anything else you can do, so you’ll be able to take advantage of building height with it. Column capacities get into the tens of thousands of pounds and arm capacities into the thousands. For a single aisle of storage, it is the best option. For multiple rows of storage, the aisles tend to reduce density.
  • Ease of access: Cantilever can be loaded or unloaded with forklifts or stackers or by hand (if the load is light enough). The static arm positions tend to make hoists or cranes unworkable, since the upper layers obstruct the lower ones.
  • Safety: If properly specified, cantilever racks can reliably hold heavy loads. Workers need to be cautious when handling any large, unwieldy, heavy item whether racked or not.

Stacking racks

Stacking racks are the most versatile option, but also have severe limitations.

Stacking rack with pipe and tube storage

  • Cost: These racks are inexpensive, but you have to buy multiple ones to accommodate greater lengths of stock or tubing.
  • Space Consumption: Stacking racks can provide a fairly dense product storage method. They can be stacked (depending on type) four to six layers high. They will require aisles for loaders or forklift access. They do not have the vertical utilization a cantilever system does.
  • Ease of access: You must unload the top layers to get at the load in the middle or on the bottom layers, no matter the method you’re using for loading or unloading. This results in what amounts to extra picks every time you access anything but the top layer. For a product that is all the same in a given rack, that’s not a problem – pick a layer off and go to the next. For mixed stock, it’s a disaster.
  • Safety: Stacking racks are stable if specified and stacked correctly. Don’t overfill them or add layers over what the specifications tell you.

Posted in Pallet & Warehouse Racks|

13 Best Practices for Warehouse Productivity

March 17, 2011

Improving a warehousing operation is a complex endeavor that can be approached from any number of angles. Here are 13 common actions you can consider in any warehouse improvement effort:

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11% of Forklifts are Involved in Accidents Annually. What Can You Do?

January 14, 2011

hurtling forklift

There isn’t much other way to say it: If you have a forklift, it is almost surely the most dangerous piece of equipment under your roof. If you have many forklifts, that danger us multiplied.

How dangerous? According to OSHA estimates, there are 61,800 minor injuries, 34,900 serious injuries and 85 forklift related deaths in the United States every year. Since there are almost 900,000 forklifts operating at any given point in the United States, this is something that every operation needs to consider when your forklifts start moving on a busy day. 11% of them stand a good chance of being in an accident or collision every single year. Those aren’t great odds, considering that a forklift in a given warehouse is heavy, moving, and in a noisy and often visually crowded environment.

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5 Ways to Avoid Costly Conveyor Breakdowns

December 17, 2010

:Power roller conveyor

Conveyors are exceptional in their productivity enhancement for manufacturing and distribution operations, but they need attention – and not just from your maintenance group. Everyone involved with them should be aware of the safety and performance issues involved. Here are five practices for happy conveying…

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Pallet Rack Wire Decking: Calculating Gauges and Capacity

December 7, 2010

pallet rack wire decking

Wire gauge is a crucial element in wire pallet rack deck design and is also one of the first places manufacturers look to when needing to cut costs, meaning it’s one of the first places you should look when comparing decking for your pallet rack project. Lower cost is great, but only if you’re getting the capacity and durability you need.

Just because two decks are the same size in no way makes them the same deck. Here are the critical differences:

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Why Warehouse Employees Ignore Safe Lifting Advice – and How to Help Them

December 5, 2010

lifting boxes and cartons correctly

The most common advice that ergonomics experts, OSHA, and other researchers provide to people in warehousing or other jobs that require manual lifting is that you should always bend your knees and lift that way, rather than bend at the waist to pick something up. Repetitive stress on the lower back is staggering: 20% of workplace injuries are related to lower back issues. Lifting right is essential to employee safety, and also to preventing Worker Compensation claims.

Even when you train employees to lift right – and we know that not everyone does – they frequently ignore the advice. Why?

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Saving Space in Rack Storage Areas

December 3, 2010

pallet rack system in a warehouse

Pallet rack storage is relatively inexpensive and extremely common. In many facilities, it also consumes the majority of square footage. When you can cut down on this space, significant gains can be made that allow you to use the square footage for other purposes. Here are some ideas for reducing your rack storage footprint while maintaining storage capacity.

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How to Safely Store Gas Cylinders

October 26, 2010

cantilever rack in a lumber storage operation
One of the more dangerous items that you’ll find at virtually every facility is the humble gas cylinder. In warehouses or manufacturing operations, you’ll find LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) canisters that power gas forklifts. You’ll also find vertical cylinders for welders, cutting torches, or other equipment operations. Too often, you will find them standing against a wall or on the dock with no protection at all.

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